See next Country Listing on EU Special Protected Areas for further information on Special Rules for Greece, Ireland, France (specifically Corsica) Cyprus, UK and Sweden.
NOTE – All forest products entering the EU effective March 3, 2013 must meet the declaration requirements of the EU Timber Regulations related to the legality of harvest. For more nformation, go to:
For the EU 27 the following phytosanitary rules apply:
Logs – Coniferous
- Phytosanitary certificate if treatment (56/30) can be verified
- Free from soil, pests (wood boring pests and grub-holes) and disease
- Wood or packaging must be marked HT
- Updated: September 29, 2011
Cedar lumber (Thuja spp)
- Import permit not required
- Free from bark and grub-holes
- Three options:
A Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) has to have an Additional Declaration (AD) that states the lumber (or logs) is bark free according to Annex IV, Part A, Sectiion 1, 1.3.A OR Kiln Dried to a moisture content of less than 20% or Heat Treated to a minimum of 56 C ofr 30 minutes at the core of the wood. For kiln dried and heat treatment, treated lumber must have a KD or HT mark; OR - OPTION 2:
No Phytosanitary Certificate is necessary but an industry-issued HT Certificate that the lumber is treated and certified according to the Canadian Heat Treated Wood Products Certification Program (CHTWPCP); OR - OPTION 3: No Phytosanitary Certificate is necessary but an industry-issue “certificate of debarking and grub hole control” stating that the lumber was treated and certified according to the CDGHCP.
- Updated Mar 18, 2011
Note: Please contact CFIA for information if you are planning on shipping Western Red Cedar (Thuja spp.) to the EU, as there are further options available OR if you plan to send shipments to protected zones within the EU: Greece, Ireland, the UK, France (destined for Corsica only), or Cyprus.
Logs – Hardwood
- Contact CFIA for species requirements
Lumber – Coniferous
There are 2 Options:
- Phytosanitary certificate with Additional Declarations required.
- Lumber has to be heat-treated. Inspection would verify heat treatment and freedom from soil, pests (wood boring pests, grub holes) and disease. The lumber or packaging has to be marked “HT”.
- Please contact CFIA if the lumber is heat-treated at a facility not certified by CFIA as confirmation is needed that the treatment was done according to treatment schedules approved by the EU, OR,
- No phytosanitary certificate required – an industry-issued heat-treatment certificate is required. The lumber must be treated at a CFIA-certified facility registered under the Canadian Heat Treated Wood Products Certification Program (CHTWPCP).
- Updated: May 17, 2012
Note: Please see separate entry for options to export Cedar (Thuja spp.) to the EU. See separate entries for countries in protected zones of the EU: Greece, Ireland, the UK, France (destined for Corsica only), or Cyprus. Contact CFIA if you plan to send shipments to protected zones within the EU:
Lumber – Hardwood
- Contact CFIA for individual species requirements
Ash lumber
- Import permit not required
- Phytosanitary certificate is required – two options are available:
OPTION 1: The wood in this shipment must originate from an area established by the CFIA that is free from Agrilus planipennis fairmaire in accordance with the relevant EU Council Directive 2000/29/EC (as amended) Annex IV, Part A, Section 1,2.3,
OPTION 2: The wood has been squared to remove entirely the round surface. EU Council Directive 2000/29/EC (as amended) Annex IV, Part A, Section 1, 2.3
– There is no tolerance for bark, wane or cambium; any residual bark or cambium present on the product could result in refusal of the entire shipment.
- Updated: May 4, 2012
Manufactured Wood Products
- Import permit not required
- Phytosanitary certificate not required (Unrestricted)
- Contact CFIA for confirmation that commodity meets “manufactured” wood definition
- Updated: September 28, 2011
Basswood lumber (Tilia spp)
- Unrestricted
- Must be free from pests, disease and soil
- Updated Mar 14, 2011
Shakes/Shingles (Cedar)
- Requirements are the same as Cedar Lumber
- Updated March 18, 2011
Thin Wood
- Import permit not required
- Phytosanitary certificate not required
- Applies to all species provided that sheets thickness is less than or equal to 6mm
- Updated: Aug 4, 2011
Wood Chips (Aspen or Populus spp)
- Import permit not required
- Phytosanitary certificate required with additional declaration
- Wood has been: produced from debarked round wood or has undergone kiln-drying to below 20% moisture content or has undergone heat treatment (56/30)
- Shipped in sealed containers or in such a way as to prevent re-infestation.
- Updated: May 24, 2012