Note: If logs, lumber, or other forest products are transiting Hong Kong with the final destination being China, it will need to meet China’s importing phytosanitary requirements.
Hong Kong Destination Requirements:
Logs – Coniferous
- No Import Permit is required
- No Phytosanitary Certificate is required
- No Phytosanitary import requirements
- Requirements apply to Canadian and US origin products
Logs – Hardwood
- No Import Permit is required
- No Phytosanitary Certificate is required
- No Phytosanitary import requirements
- Requirements apply to Canadian and US origin products
Note: If lumber is transiting Hong Kong with the final destination being China, it will need to meet China’s phytosanitary
Lumber – Coniferous
- No Import Permit is required
- No Phytosanitary Certificate is required
- No Phytosanitary import requirements
- Requirements apply to Canadian and US origin products
- Updated: June 1, 2010
Note: If lumber is transiting Hong Kong with the final destination of China, it will need to meet China’s phytosanitary
Lumber – Hardwood
- No Import Permit is required
- No Phytosanitary Certificate is required
- No Phytosanitary import requirements
- Requirements apply to Canadian and US origin product
- Updated: June 1, 2010
Note: If lumber is transiting Hong Kong with the final destination of China, it will need to meet China’s phytosanitary
Manufactured Wood Products
- No Import Permit is required
- No Phytosanitary Certificate is required
- No Phytosanitary import requirements
- Requirements apply to Canadian and US origin product
- Updated: June 1, 2010
Note: If lumber is transiting Hong Kong with the final destination of China, it will need to meet China’s phytosanitary
- No Import Permit is required
- No Phytosanitary Certificate is required
- No Phytosanitary import requirements
- Requirements apply to Canadian and US origin product
- Updated: June 1, 2010
Thin Wood
- No Import Permit is required
- No Phytosanitary Certificate is required
- No Phytosanitary import requirements
- Requirements apply to Canadian and US origin product
- Updated: June 1, 2010
Note:If lumber is transiting Hong Kong with the final destination of China, it will need to meet China’s phytosanitary
Wood Chips
- No Import Permit is required
- No Phytosanitary Certificate is required
- No Phytosanitary import requirements
- Requirements apply to Canadian and US origin product
- Updated: June 1, 2010
Note: If lumber is transiting Hong Kong with the final destination of China, it will need to meet China’s phytosanitary requirements.